"My China Story" International Short Video Competition has been held successfully for five consecutive years and has developed into an international brand. It integrates video creation, annual, themed competitions, seminars, product screenings, and the China Story Alliance of Global Creators.
一、主办单位 / Organizers
China International Communications Group
Information Office of Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government
二、征集对象 / Participants
University Student: By the Youth, to the Future
This unit mainly opens to Chinese and international students from various universities at home and abroad, collecting cross-cultural themed short video works about China.
三、比赛日程 / Competition Schedule
Registration Time: from now on to September 8, 2024.
Evaluation: September 2024 to October 2024.
Awards Ceremony: December 2024.
四、奖项设置 / Awards
(一) 入围优秀作品
Outstanding Finalist Works
(二) 最佳作品奖(奖金3000元)
Best Work Award (cash prize of 3,000 RMB)
(三) 最佳外语片奖(奖金3000元)
Best Foreign Language Film Award (cash prize of 3,000 RMB)
(四) 最佳单项奖(奖金3000元)
Best Single Award (cash prize of 3,000 RMB)
(五) 评委会大奖(奖金20000元)
Jury Prize (cash prize of 20,000 RMB)
(六) 优秀组织奖
Excellent Organization Award
五、作品要求 / Registration Requirements
1. 参赛作品需满足下列条件中至少一项:与外籍人士相关;作品内容与中外跨文化交流有关,内容与叙事方式符合国际传播基本规律。
The entries should meet at least one of the following conditions:
(1) Have at least one foreigner in the crew in any position, including host, protagonist or interviewee, director, designer, cameraman, producer, etc.
(2) Be related to cross-cultural communication between China and other countries. All works should abide by basic rules for international communication in content and narration.
2. 参赛主体不限。以机构、工作室、个人名义参赛均可。以机构单位为参赛主体的,报送作品不超过20部;以个人为参赛主体的,报送作品不超过5部,按系列或栏目参赛的作品,提交且仅提交3部代表作品。每部作品只填报参加一个竞赛单元。
Institutions, studios, or individuals are all qualified to participate in the competition. Each institution is allowed to submit up to 20 videos and 5 for each individual participant. For video series, choose 3 episodes to submit. Each video work is only allowed to participate in one section.
3. 作品形式不限。人物访谈、脱口秀、短纪录片、Vlog、动画、微短剧均可,时长 10分钟以内。
There are no limitations on the genre of videos. For instance, interviews, talk shows, documentaries, vlogs, animations, microfilms, and short dramas are all qualified. Each video should be within 10 minutes.
4. 作品语言不限。接收所有语种作品参赛,并鼓励英语、法语、俄语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语作品参赛,所有作品均需添加中英双语字幕,以保障顺利参加评审。
There are no limitations on the languages used in the videos. English, French, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic are especially encouraged. Both Chinese and English subtitles are required. Videos without Chinese and English subtitles might be disqualified.
5. 作品需传播正能量,不涉及色情、暴力、种族歧视等内容。
All videos should be positive. Any content related to pornography, violence, racial discrimination, etc., is disqualified.
6. 作品分辨率为1280*720或以上,接受MPG、MPEG、AVI、MOV、WMV、MP4等格式文件。
The resolution of the works should be 1280*720 or above. MPG, MPEG, AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP4 are acceptable as video formats.
* If the relevant materials or sign-up information is incomplete, you are not eligible to register.
* If the work has already won an award in previous *My China Story* International Short Video Competitions, it is not eligible to register.
六、作品提交 / Submission
1. 登录 www.mychinastory.com,点击参赛导航页面,填写报名表,上传视频发布链接。并将参赛作品以超大附件形式或网盘(百度/Google Drive)链接与密码(链接需永久有效)发送至邮箱:mychinastory@cnmatters.com(邮件标题请注明“作者一作品名称一参赛单元”,邮件正文请注明作品联系人及联系方式,邮件标题作品名确保与报名表信息一致),同时抄送至:dmuiso@aliyun.com 。
Log on to www.mychinastory.com, click on the entry navigation page, fill out the entry form and upload the video posting link. Please send your entry in the form of a large attachment or a link to a network disc (Baidu/Google Drive) with the password (the link must be permanently valid) to the e-mail address: mychinastory@cnmatters.com (please specify "Author-Title of Entry-Entry Unit" in the title of the email, and indicate the contact person of the work and contact information in the body of the email, and make sure that the name of the work in the title of the email is the same as the information in the application form), and copy it to dmuiso@aliyun.com.
2. 将作品上传至抖音或快手的机构或个人账号,发布时添加#2024 第三只眼看中国,即报名参加“第三只眼看中国”国际短视频大赛。
Upload your work to your organisation or personal account on Douyin or Kuaishou, adding #2024 My China Story when posting, you will be entered into the competition.
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