2017年上半年安徽创投圈Z正在的事件!文化创业者的福音!4月底,安徽广电文创产业园开园,洪泰空间文广空间同步正式启动! 开园之际,洪泰中安众创空间,安徽广电文广产业园,创业沙拉国际组织将联合携手为广大文化创业者倾心奉献一场别开生面的52小时创业沙拉新媒体专场! 互联网,传媒,文化界大咖云集,神秘导师,著名天使投资人降临现场。 无论你是妙笔生花的内容写手,还是FUNS万千的运营大神,到这里,带着你的灵魂和思想,和大家一起碰撞,找到志同道合的合作伙伴,一起放飞梦想!天使将伴随降临! 新媒体是相对于传统媒体而言的,是在新技术的支撑下衍生的媒介形态,因此数字电视、数字杂志、手机短信、移动电视、网络、桌面视窗、数字电影、触摸媒体等都可以称为新媒体。 上午10:00 广电文创产业园开园仪式 洪泰空间开业仪式 领导致辞 重量级天使投资人嘉宾致辞 下午 12:30 创业沙拉活动入场 14: 00 创业沙拉开始 当无数创意被生活掩埋, 当无限渴望被平庸冲淡, 你,只需要52小时, 就能重拾梦想与创造价值的畅快体会! 在这52小时里, 你会被新鲜火辣的idea包围, 见证思维的碰撞,不断发现问题,然后通通解决! 你将组建或加入一个"战队" 与和你一样的实干家伙伴们奋战到底, 一起行动将灵感化作现实! 行动起来,无限可能等你创造!
52hrs Startup Salad Enjoy creating!
利用一个周末时间, 与志同道合且能力互补的伙伴组队, 从头脑风暴到做出产品原型, 不断发现问题并解决掉它, 让灵感离现实越来越近! 结识对你的奇妙灵感或项目感兴趣的前辈、导师, 来和你聊聊创新、创造的那些事, 来创业沙拉验证你的想法, 52小时,与实干家一起行动,让你的灵感种子在此发芽!
Find partners that cherish the same ideals Find seed funding, Receive guidance from gurus of different industries. No talk, all actions! 54 hours, a whole new team and a prototype. Fresh startups get first hand feedback, media attention and exposure.
和你一起度过这52个小时的那些人 他们是和你一样,有想法的一群产品经理、程序员/工程师、设计师、市场运营,他们将与你并肩作战。 They are product managers(PM), marketer(MKT), Designer, programmer and engineer.
他们是有经验的创新者、第一线的投资人、和能给你带来专业知识的能力者。 They are experienced innovators, investors, and professors who bring you expertise.
他们是不同行业的资深大神、成功的企业家、新锐的投资人,他们会给出对你项目Z直接的反馈。 They are the elite in different business, successful entrepreneurs and investors, they will give you the project the most direct feedback. 与你一起度过这52小时的还有我们可爱的沙拉组织者和志愿者,他们利用自己的业余时间,组织了我们这场精彩的创业沙拉。 Startup Salad organizers and volunteers ensure the events in an orderly manner.
周日晚来见证新鲜项目诞生和验收你们52小时成果的支持者,他们可能成为你产品或灵感的第一批种子用户和体验者。 Supporters pay to join the events. They are audience and potential users for the startups.
52-hours Startup Salad Workflow
Startup Salad创业沙拉汇聚有趣、有实力和真实想改变一些事情的人,以线下的方式相互连接、学习与合作,从而产生一个个对社会发展有积极推动的创新项目。
Startup Salad的子品牌有52小时创业沙拉、大沙拉、Salad Pro,现已覆盖包括深圳、上海、北京、广州、香港、旧金山、蒙特利尔、曼谷等全球50多座城市,连接数十万志同道合的创业者。Startup Salad的终极目标是建造一个汇聚改变者的城市。
Startup Salad is a global community of mutual help, diversity and novelty which targets continuous study and connection in order to take actions with doers to generate creative and advancing power for the society.
Projects From Startup Salad Participant Instructions
如果你有Idea要在周五晚说出来, If you have Idea to speak out on Friday night:
如果你没有, If you don't have idea:
如果你报名作为周日晚观众参加, If you are audience:
About This Startup Salad Event
Activity Counseling Group in
WeChat 活动微信群已满100人,请加微信15656560505,留言我爱竞赛网推荐,参加新媒体创业沙拉,拉你入群
大赛报名:http://www.huodongxing.com/event/7374612904800 【我爱竞赛网的粉丝们请注意,大家在报名时,在姓名右边请备注:我爱竞赛网推荐,即可享受合作伙伴专享票,只要1元,有吃有喝有衣服有大咖】
本届创业沙拉活动组织者与志愿者 Organizers and Volunteers 组织者:滕飞、刘冰、熊耀庭、吕健、王锐、魏国
合作联系 Cooperation Contact
有任何疑问或者本场合作的需要,请联系本届组织者 If you have any questions and cooperation request,please contact with organizer of this event. 组织者Organizer: 滕飞 微信:15656560505 E-Mail:27869616@qq.com 大赛报名:http://www.huodongxing.com/event/7374612904800 【我爱竞赛网的粉丝们请注意,大家在报名时,在姓名右边请备注:我爱竞赛网推荐,即可享受合作伙伴专享票,只要1元,有吃有喝有衣服有大咖】
本届创业沙拉合作伙伴 Our Cooperation Partners and Sponsors 大赛报名:http://www.huodongxing.com/event/7374612904800 【我爱竞赛网的粉丝们请注意,大家在报名时,在姓名右边请备注:我爱竞赛网推荐,即可享受合作伙伴专享票,只要1元,有吃有喝有衣服有大咖】 Q:主办方提供餐饮及住宿吗?Does the organizer provide meals and accommodations? A:提供活动服装,饮水,零食,水果,文具、场地、工具包等,吃饭住宿请自行解决。We provide mobile clothing, drinking water, snacks, fruits, stationery, venues, kits, etc., eat and accommodation to resolve their own Q:活动语言是什么?What's the language being used at the event? A:以中文为主、英文为辅,但您无需过于担心语言问题。Chinese and English. Chinese will be the first language but we will provide English translation in core section. You don't have to worry too much about language disparities.
Q:参加的都是些什么人?Who are going to the event? A:对新媒体有创业想法的人,有做技术的,也有做设计、内容、运营、市场或其它的,各类Geek。来自于广电、新华网、人民日报、网易、新浪、腾讯、微信大号等各领域媒体行业丰富经验和能力的从业者。The new media have entrepreneurial ideas, there are technical, but also do design, content, operations, marketing or other, all kinds of Geek. From the radio and television, Xinhua, people's daily, NetEase, Sina, Tencent, WeChat and other large areas of the media industry experienced and capable practitioners.
Q:参加活动必须有创业点子吗?Do we have to have an idea ready in order to participate? A:能提前准备好idea当然Z好,没有的话加入别人的团队也行。Having an idea prepared would be the best scenario. But it's OK to not have one on hand and join other teams.
Q:我们已经有成型的团队和产品了还可以参加吗?We have existing teams and products, can we still participate? A:只能以个人名义,不可以带着项目参与,这对其他参与者不公平。本活动旨在创造产品而非宣传现有产品。Everyone should participate as individuals. The event is exclusively aiming for making products, not promoting them.
Q:活动中组建的团队在活动结束后还存在吗?Will the teams stay together after the event? A:这取决于你和你的团队。some will dismiss, others will register companies and get funded, entirely depending on you and your team. Recently the successful case of upgrading into a company after the event is MYOtee (has received thousands of funds in RMB and won the first place at App Store), and SixBot (A wearable devices good for men's health).
Q:我的创业点子需符合什么类型?What characteristics my idea has to fit?
A:本场是新媒体专场,您的创意想法需要和新媒体相关。This is a new
media, your creative ideas and new media related
Q:比如说有哪些点子?For example? A:新媒体是相对于传统媒体而言的,是在新技术的支撑下衍生的媒介形态,因此数字电视、数字杂志、手机短信、移动电视、网络、桌面视窗、数字电影、触摸媒体等都可以称为新媒体。网站类如36kr、海纳在线,手机应用类今日头条、新浪微博,爱奇艺等,硬件如IPTV,、广告机,快递柜媒体,自媒体类的吴晓波频道,草根合肥等。New media is relative to traditional media, is derived in the new technology under the support of the media form, so the digital TV, digital magazines, mobile phone SMS, mobile TV, network, desktop windows, digital movie, touch media can be called new media. The website such as 36kr, Heiner online, mobile phone applications, today's headlines Sina micro-blog, Iqiyi and other hardware, such as IPTV, advertising machine, express cabinet media, since the media type of the Wu Xiaobo channel, Hefei grassroots.
Q:具体要做出什么东西?What products should we be making? A:Z后路演的成果包括:Demo(产品样品,比如你要做一个情感分析自媒体,那就要做出一个公众号展示),结合PPT,内容需包括商业模式、市场调研和产品介绍等。Finally, the results are as follows: Demo roadshow (product samples, such as you want to make an emotional analysis from the media, it would have to make a public display), combined with PPT, the content should include business model, market research and product introduction.
Q:我需要整个周末都待在会场吗?Do I need to be onsite for the whole weekend? A:是的,不要轻易抛弃你的队友。如有特殊原因缺席请务必提前通知您的组员和组织者志愿者。当然,晚上是可以回家休息的。Yes. For emergency reasons, please contact your team and the event staff in advance.
Q:我还在工作或者已经有创业型公司,适合参加吗?I am still working or has formed a startup company, am I suitable for the event? A:没关系的。可通过活动更深刻地了解行业,或结识志同道合的朋友,还有人通过这个活动找合伙人。脸萌Z初的3位合伙人就是通过我们的活动当中认识的哦。That's OK. You can get some in-depth insights of the industry and meet friends through the event.
Q:我不想全程参与,但想看一看。I don't want to participate the entire event, can I just look around? A:可购买用于周日晚的观众票。You can buy the audience tickets for Sunday night.
Q:我可以以程序员身份报名,但从事产品经理/市场类的职能吗?Can I participate as a coder, and work as a product manager / marketing? A:不可以的!我们会现场按照各类职能统计并分组,这不利于现场的组队与团队的有效配合。No. The entire event is carefully calculated regarding of all the job positions, in order to divide into groups, it will affect the quality of team work and the performance on the spot of the event. Q:如果需要了解更多关于活动的信息,要从哪里找? How can I know more about Startup Salad? A:可以搜索微信公众号:startupsalad,或直接扫描下方二维码,里面有历届活动详细信息。或者登陆官网查询:http://salad.co/ You could search the wechat number: startupsalad, or scan the following QR, or view the website: http://salad.co/.
大赛报名:http://www.huodongxing.com/event/7374612904800 【我爱竞赛网的粉丝们请注意,大家在报名时,在姓名右边请备注:我爱竞赛网推荐,即可享受合作伙伴专享票,只要1元,有吃有喝有衣服有大咖】 我爱竞赛网赛事交流总群